
Adult and Minor Athletic Waiver & Release of Liability In consideration of being allowed participation in any way in the Southern Ontario Open Martial Arts Championships, and related event and activities, the undersigned: 1. Agrees that prior to participating, the participant and/or Parent/Guardian (if under 18), will inspect the facilities and equipment to be used, and if the participant and/or Parent/Guardian believes anything is unsafe, they will immediately advise the supervisor or other tournament officials, of each condition (s) and refuse to participate. 2. Acknowledge and fully understands that each participant will be engaging in activities that involve risk of serious injury, including permanent disability and death, and social economic losses which might result not only from their action, inaction or negligence but the actions, inaction’s or negligence of others, the rules of play, or the condition of the premises or of any equipment used. Further, the participant and/or Parent/Guardian assumes all the forgoing risk and accepts personal responsibility for the damages following such injury, permanent disability or death. I do release and hold harmless Southern Ontario Open Martial Arts Championships. (any of its members), And St Clair College, from any injuries, including permanent disability and death, and social economic losses as a result of participation.3. All entries are final; I fully understand that any medical treatment given will be on a first aid treatment type only. I consent that any pictures furnished by me or any pitchers taken of me in connection with said tournament could be used in print or video for future use, without any compensation given or expected by the competitor. I agree to abide by the rules, and competitor and/or parent/guardian will react and act respectfully towards other competitors, referees and tournament organizers. If not, the director or authorized agent reserves the right to refuse entry or continued participation to any person School's, Team or Club. The Undersigned has read the above waiver and release, fully understands all and signs voluntarily.